For developing cool applications you need an Integrated Development Environment, also called an IDE. Here’s our list of 70+ IDEs for developers and all our geek readers who like to try their hands at coding.
Anjuta C/C++ IDE – A dynamic C/C++ IDE with features including project management, interactive debugger and an editor for browsing and syntax highlighting. Runs on POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Linux.
BVRDE – A C/C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) primarily designed for easy cross-platform development. It allows a developer to compile applications on a remote server easily. Runs on a Windows platform but debugging and compiling is on UNIX systems.
C-Free – C-Free is a professional IDE offering support for multiple compilers including Cygwin, Borland C++ Compiler, Microsoft C+ Compiler, Open Watcom and Digital Mars.
Code::Blocks – A free C++ IDE based on the plug-ins. It works on Windows and Linux.
CPPIDE – A complete integrated development environment for C/C++ environment with a source code editor, compiler and debugger.
c.vim – c.Vim is a C/C++ IDE that enables easy coding and execution of programs.
Dev-C++ – A feature-packed IDE for Windows and POSIX (Linux/BSD/Unix).
Developers IDE – Developers IDE is an Integrated Development Environment (Code Editor) to use Dos based free C/C++ Compilers in a windows environment.
KDevelop – A C/C++ IDE for UNIX under the GPL license.
MinGW Developer Studio – MinGw is a C/C++ IDE ported to Microsoft Windows, Linux and FreeBSD.
Paradigm C++ Professional integrated development environment – A comprehensive solution for writing C/C++ code for real mode, extended mode, or protected mode x86 applications in an easy way.
Quincy 2005 – Quincy is an open-source IDE for developing applications on the C/C++ framework.
Rhide – An IDE for developing and debugging C/C++ applications in DJGPP GNU/Linux.
The V IDE for GNU C++ and Java – A free multi-platform C++ framework for writing GUI applications for X Athena, X Motif/Lesstif and all Windows platforms.
UEStudio IDE – UEStudio is a powerful IDE built on the powerful editor UltraEdit. It includes the features of 30 popular compilers (including Microsoft Visual C++, Java, GNU C/C++, PHP, Perl and over 30 etc).
BlueJ Java IDE – A Java IDE packed with built-in editor, compiler, virtual machine and debugger for executing programs in Java. Includes a graphical class structure display, provides support for graphical and textual editing, enables the creation of interactive objects, interactive testing and incremental application building.
DrJava Java IDE – An IDE released under the GNU GPL that enables users to evaluate Java expressions.
Eclipse – A widely used open source IDE for Java. Requires the user to install the Sun Java runtime environment (JRE) installed. The IDE supports Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME, Linux, Solaris, QNX, AIX, HP-UX, Mac OS X, and possibly other systems as well.
Gel – A Windows IDE with special features including syntax highlighting (Java, JSP, HTML, XML, C, C++, Perl, Python, etc), unlimited undo and redo of code, column selection mode, block indent and unindent, spell checker, enhanced search option, spell checking, auto indent, regular expression searches, code completion (Java and JSP), parameter hints, identifier hints, context sensitive help linked to Javadoc.
Javelin from Step Ahead SW – A highly productive Java IDE for Windows. It enables users to visualize application development in Java through a set of class diagrams.
JBuilder – A popular commercial IDE for developing applications in Java. The enterprise edition includes J2EE support and UML/ app server integration.
JCreator Java IDE LE (Light Edition) – Jcreator is a compact and light-weight Java IDE for Windows environment with Project Management support, a syntax highlighting editor, wizards, class viewer, package viewer, tabbed documents, JDK profiles (which enables users to work with multiple Java Development Kits). It comes in two editions JCreator Standard which is free of cost and JCreator Pro which comes with a 30 day trial.
JEdit – A highly customizable well-designed IDE written in Java.
jGRASP – A compact development environment for Java. It runs on all platforms with a Java Virtual Machine producing Control Structure Diagrams (CSDs) for Java, C, C++, Objective-C, Ada, and VHDL.
JIPE Java IDE – A free IDE for Java allowing programmers to write and test Java applications and applets. It runs on both Windows and Linux and is easily portable to operating systems that have Java Virtual Machine installed.
JPad Pro – Jpad Pro is a low-cost Java editor featuring visual debugger, code completion, and source browser.
IBM Rational Application Developer – A powerful Java IDE for Windows and Linux. It is very strong for JSP, servlets and other J2EE development.
IDEA – An intelligent Java IDE with improved performance, better usability and streamline project configuration. It is a commercial IDE and is available for a 30-day evaluation period. The commercial license can be acquired at a cost of $499.
NetBeans – An open source Java IDE with a syntax highlighting code editor that provides support for auto code completion, annotations, macros, auto-indentation, etc. It also includes visual design tools (wizards) for generation of code.
Oracle JDeveloper – JDeveloper from Oracle is a powerful IDE with J2EE capabilities (including EJB and Struts) and support for Oracle database access.
SlickEdit – SlickEdit is a proprietary, multilanguage IDE with a powerful editor and macro language. It supports all of the most popular programming languages.
Sun Java Studio – An intuitive development environment from Sun Development Environment (IDE) for Java, providing a comprehensive set of features and functionality. It runs on MacOS, Windows and Solaris.
Stylus Studio – An integrated JAVA IDE that enables quick development of XML-enabled Java / J2EE applications.
UltraStudio – UltraStudio is a feature rich text editor for HTML, PHP, Java, Javascript and Perl. It also includes an Integrated Debugger, Integrated VCS Version Control, built-in Class Browsing, Language Intelligence (like Intellisense), Project Converter and other features.
Visual Paradigm Integrated Development Environment (VP-JIDE) – Visual Paradigm Integrated Development Environment for Java programmers/developers enables users to write/compile/run/deploy Java applications/applets with supporting features like project management, class and method navigation, syntax highlight and code completion to enhance productivity.
XEmacs – XEmacs is a free, highly customizable open source text editor and application development system. A modern, GUI version of the original Emacs.
.NET Programming
#Develop – An open source IDE for application development in .NET
Antechinus – A visual editor for designing C# applications. Its common features include basic intellisense and syntax coloring, as well as the option of completing applications from within the IDE. Available for $49.95.
ASP.NET Web Matrix – Web Matrix is a .NET WYSIWYG development tool supported by the community. The download size is small and is approximately 1.3MB in size. Available for free.
PrimalScript – A product of Sapient, PrimalScript is a script level IDE code development tool.
SharpDevelop – An open source development IDE for the .NET environment; similar in appearance to Visual Studio .NET.
Visual Studio .NET – A feature rich Integrated Development Environment for .NET based applications. Provides various options to simplify application development.
EPIC – An open source Perl IDE for the Eclipse platform. Its features are syntax highlighting, on-the-fly syntax check, content assist, Perl doc support, source formatter, templating support and a Perl debugger.
PerlBuilder – Perl Builder is a Windows based IDE for developing applications through Perl. The licensed version is available for $199.
PerlComposer – An open-source GUI tool used to design graphical interfaces for X-windows using Perl/GTK
Perl Editor – Perl Editor enables developers to create, test and debug Perl scripts on Windows tools.
Perl Express – A free Perl IDE for the Windows environment targeted towards experienced and professional developers and beginners.
Open Perl IDE รข€“ An open source integrated development environment for writing and debugging Perl scripts on any version of Windows.
OptiPerl – A fully integrated visual IDE for creating, testing, debugging and running Perl scripts either directly or via HTML documents.
Zeus – A Windows IDE with multi-programming language support. It provides support for C#, Ch, D, Java, Perl, Python, PHP just to name a few.
Dev-PHP – Dev-PHP is a fully featured development IDE for PHP. It is open-source, runs on windows and features: class browser, scripts preview, integration with PHP parsers, PHP-GTK library, and Xdebug of course.
Eclipse PHP IDE – An open source PHP IDE project from Eclipse.
Komodo IDE – A multi-platform, multi-language powerful IDE for developing dynamic web applications with a rich feature set for client-side Ajax technologies such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript and XML and advanced support for Perl, PHP etc.
Nexidion Designer – An IDE for web development on the Linux platform.
NuSphere PhpED – A popular development environment for PHP with a fully-functional two weeks trial. Its advanced features include code folding, true unicode editor, fast SFTP, SSH terminal, database client, embedded mozilla browser, inline error analysis for PHP and validation for HTML.
phpDesigner – A complete PHP integrated development environment for both beginners and professional developers that boosts the process of editing, analysis, debugging and publishing PHP powered applications and websites. Single user license is available for $56.25 and the 14 day trial version enables the user to evaluate the software without any license.
PHPEdit – A professional IDE for PHP with advanced php related tools, powerful debugger and profiler, code beautifier, help integration, real time syntax checker and advanced keyboard templates.
Zend IDE – A powerful PHP IDE for creating rich web applications. Provides PHP, Java and JavaScript support.
BlackAdder – BlackAdder is a cross-platform IDE for developing GUI applications in Python. The free demonstration version is available with limited functionality.
Boa Constructor – An open-source cross-platform Python IDE. Includes an advanced debugger, visual frame creation, multiple source views.
Eric – A full featured Python IDE based on the cross platform Qt GUI toolkit.
IDLE – Features include attribute completion, syntax checking, debugger etc.
SPE IDE – SPE IDE is a free python IDE for Windows, Mac & Linux with UML, PyChecker, Debugger, GUI design, Blender.
Wing IDE – An advanced level Python IDE with support for web, GUI and scrip development through various Python packages like Django, Turbogears, mod_python, wxPython, PyQt, PyGtk, TkInter.
xRope – An open source Python IDE for Linux/Mac OS X platforms.
Arachno Ruby – A commercial cross-platform IDE for Windows available at a price of $49. The powerful IDE features an integrated debugger to save time.
FreeRIDE – A fully featured open-source cross-platform IDE for the Ruby programming language. Also works with Debian and Unix operating systems.
Mondrian – A cross-platform Ruby IDE with an intuitive look and feel. It includes a dynamic object browser, runtime error integration and syntax highlighting
RadRails – RadRails is available as an open-source plug-in for Eclipse and as a stand alone application. Its advanced features include fast server debugging, code completion with type inferencing, CSS/HTML/JS code editors etc.
RDT – An open source Ruby IDE for Eclipse platform with features such as syntax highlighting, syntax check, graphical outline. (via)